Canine Musculoskeletal Ultrasound

We are proud to launch this new diagnostic modality to our referring vets and their clients. The limited number of trained practitioners performing Canine MSK US in the UK meant that this modality was often out of reach until now. Georgina has completed the renowned Canine Diagnostic MSK US course lead by Dr Debra Canapp at Canapp Sports Medicine in the USA. This facility, alongside our current orthopaedic referral service, will expand the diagnostic ability and management of many soft tissue injuries seen in practice.

What is Musculoskeletal Ultrasound?

This is a relatively new diagnostic tool in canine soft tissue injury. The development of highresolution equipment has resulted in better image quality and gives the imager a tremendous range of applications for accurate diagnosis and monitoring of a multitude of musculoskeletal conditions.

This imaging modality is quick, non-invasive, effective and economical. There are no known biological side effects to either patient or operator. It is deemed the number one diagnostic modality for accurate detection of tendon and ligament injuries. It allows for collation of quantifiable data and repeated cost-effective monitoring of recovery when compared to other advanced imaging such as MRI.

MSK ultrasound offers objective data that withstands scientific rigor. With appropriate training the operator can reliably measure muscle and tendon size and shape, offer dynamic evaluation of muscles and tendons alongside assessment of integrity of tendon/ligament fibers.

Not only is MSK ultrasound an excellent tool for diagnosing soft tissue injuries, it also enhances the use and monitoring of regenerative medicine therapies (PRP, MSCT) and allows the clinician to formulate appropriate rehabilitation programs for individual patients.

MSK Shoulder: Supraspinatus and Biceps
Transverse view

MSK Shoulder Longitudinal Supraspinatus view

What are the commonly scanned areas?


  • Supraspinatus
  • Biceps
  • Extra-articular tendons (infraspinatus and Teres Minor)
  • Intra-articular pathology indicators for Medial Shoulder Syndrome.


  • Combined coxofemoral and lumbosacral assessment.


  • Patellar Tendon/LDE/Popliteal tendon
  • Meniscal Injury
  • Cruciate Ligaments
  • Collateral ligaments
  • Patellar Retinaculum


  • Achilles Tendon
  • Collateral Ligaments
  • Flexor/Extensor Tendons


  • Flexor/Extensor Tendons
  • Collateral ligaments and palmar retinaculum.

US-guided joint and intra-lesion injections with regenerative medicine.

What cases can I use MSK Ultrasound for?

There area a wealth of canine patients that would benefit from diagnostic ultrasound ranging from household pets right through to high level agility and sporting dogs, and in both acute and chronic injuries.

Patients with acute or chronic shoulder injuries with a suspicion over medial shoulder syndrome, supraspinatus and biceps tendinopathies. MSK can provide non-invasive diagnosis of cranial cruciate ligament rupture and meniscal trauma. Iliopsoas strains can be accurately diagnosed, and an appropriate treatment plan formulated early in the disease course. Achilles tendon injuries and associated components assessed prior to appropriate surgical repair.

MSK ultrasound can also determine the requirement for Arthroscopy and CT scan throughout many of our lameness examinations. Based on lesion diagnosis we can perform US guided joint and intra-lesion injections with PRP, MSCT and other depots as the condition dictates. We work closely with physiotherapists to ensure appropriate treatment plans are formulated based on repeated ultrasonography to monitor healing and response to therapy.

What to expect if you refer a case for Diagnostic MSK Ultrasound?

All patients will be assessed by a member of our orthopaedic team prior to admission for diagnostic ultrasound. This allows for accurate lesion location and ensures ultrasound is the most appropriate course of action for that patient. Patients are hospitalised for the day with the requirement for sedation and/or general anaesthesia depending on the case. You will receive a referral report and clients will receive discharge instructions outlining management and rehabilitation plans.

MSK images intact medial meniscus (left) and ruptured medial meniscus (right)

How much does it cost?
