Orthopaedic Surgical Services
Underpinned with cutting-edge technology, diagnostics and pioneering surgical techniques our team providing outstanding orthopaedic care.
What can I Expect if my Pet is Referred to the Orthopaedic department?
Each patient referred will first undergo a detailed discussion with the owner and clinical examination. We routinely perform investigations for undiagnosed and difficult to localise lameness cases. Diagnosing the cause of lameness often requires further investigations. Eden Vets has access to state-of-the-art imaging modalities to include:
- Digital radiography
- CT / MRI
- MSK ultrasound (particularly good for occult soft tissue injuries and chronic tendinopathies)
- Arthroscopy
A comprehensive treatment plan will be devised based on imaging findings and owners will be given best available treatment options to manage the condition with time spent discussing the options and tailoring the plan to best suit the patient. Our surgeons are supported by a highly trained and caring team of veterinary nurses who play a critical role in rehabilitating patients following Orthopaedic surgery.
Eden Vets has state of the art facilities and industry leading equipment. Our theatres are designed to minimise the chance of acquiring surgical site infections. We closely monitor our results to identify any increases in the rate or severity of infections.
Digital Radiograph Guidelines

As well as accepting routine surgical referrals, our orthopaedic team plays a vital role in the management of many complex cases that require a multi-disciplinary approach ensuring that all animals receive the best treatment for the individual.
Our team members are always happy to advise referring vets on management of their cases, either over the phone or through email.
New – Orthopaedic Referral Packages
To support a smooth referral process, and for transparency of costs for clients, we offer fixed prices for some of our more commonly performed
Our fixed price includes referral consultation, sedation, templating radiographs, general anaesthetic, surgery, implants and medication. Overnight hospitalisation as required and discharge with medications for up to 2 weeks (e.g. NSAID, paracetamol & short antibiotic course when needed).
Packages are based on assessment of submitted radiographs and patient examination.
Digital Radiograph Guidelines
Eden Vets Referral – Orthopaedic Surgical Services
AdvancedTibial Plateau Levelling Osteotomy (TPLO)
The preferred treatment option for cruciate ligament disease at Eden Vets in TPLO. Recent studies have shown this technique to be superior to other treatment options for cranial cruciate ligament disease

Patella Luxation Surgery
Patella luxation is a potentially complex surgical condition with success relying on identifying cases that have complex femoral, tibial and trochlear pathology early on so that an effective surgical plan can be implemented to maximize the chances of success. A patient specific treatment plan is required for many cases and advanced imaging in the form of CT is often deployed during the delivery of that treatment plan

Fracture Stabilisation Surgery
Fractures come in all shapes and sizes and complexities. Repair can involve either internal fixation or external fixation. Eden Vets is well stocked to provide fracture fixation to any size patient with any level of fracture complexity.

Joint Luxation’s
We always aim to salvage joints after serious trauma where possible. We employ ligament repair options to restore patients’ joint function after they have suffered one of the many common luxations encountered in practice. In rare cases arthrodesis (fusion) may be required. We will always discuss the implications of that decision with the clients to ensure an informed decision is made
Correction of Angular limb deformities
The use of 3D printing technology and patient specific cutting guides from CT scan data has revolutionized the treatment of these often-complex conditions. This technology has now made this surgery much more routine with very predictable, good outcomes.
Arthrodesis Surgery
This can be a good option for cases of chronic joint pain or instability in the carpus and tarsus particularly. Patient specific 3D printed cutting guides are occasionally used to increase accuracy of joint fusion angle and maximize the chances of achieving osseus (bony) fusion and improve surgical outcomes.

For minimally invasive joint surgeries, particularly useful for cases of elbow dysplasia and shoulder OCD cases in young dogs, and occasionally diagnosis early partial tearing of the CCL.

Joint Resurfacing
Joint resurfacing techniques for large cartilage lesions seen in some cases of shoulder OCD and in most cases of stifle and humeral OCD which tend to respond less favorably to cartilage flap removal can be considered for joint resurfacing procedures. These resurfacing techniques provide a durable, smooth, articulation and reduce the development of painful secondary joint disease.

Regenerative Therapies
To include Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) /Stem Cell (BMAC) and A2M injections for the treatment of soft tissues injuries and tendinopathies. These used in conjunction with MSK ultrasound to guide these therapies into lesions within tendons.