Package Priced Orthopaedics
Our Orthopaedic team at Eden Veterinary Referrals are proud to provide outstanding care to every patient they see. With extensive experience and knowledge, our orthopaedic surgeons perform routine and advanced surgical procedures daily, to ensure every pet gets the treatment they need to recover. In addition to our prompt orthopaedic referral times, we are now excited to offer all clients access to package surgeries for several of our most common orthopaedic procedures.
How clients can benefit from our package priced surgeries
We are offering a range of set priced surgeries at Eden Veterinary Referrals to ensure that our costs are transparent and easy for clients to understand. During stressful times, when our beloved pets are unwell or injured, no one wants to be faced with unexpected costs resulting from their pet’s hospital stay. To make finances easier and veterinary treatment more affordable, we have defined the price for several of our routine procedures.
Why do our clients prefer our package cost procedures?
- The cost of a procedure is clear – There is one final amount with no hidden extras to pay.
- Less worry for clients – Package price procedures enable clients to understand the cost they are committing to before they bring their pet to Eden Veterinary Referrals.
- The referral process is quick and straightforward – We will see your pet within 7 days of their referral being received. Our quick referral times mean there is less time for clients to be left worrying about their pet being unwell or injured.
- Accessible veterinary care – we will see all pets, so everyone can make use of our affordable prices and outstanding care from our orthopaedic team.
What’s covered in our package priced procedures?
A package priced procedure includes everything involved in a standard routine surgical procedure, from admission to discharge. This means no surprise hospitalisation fees or additional charges for the post-operative check. However, if any complications occur or if your pet needs any additional treatment for other illnesses, this will not be covered by the package cost.
What is included with one of our package priced procedures?
- Radiography
- Surgery
- Medications
- Post-Operative appointment
If your pet requires a consultation, then the first consultation is not included in the cost of a package price procedure. This consultation allows pets to be assessed by one of our orthopaedic surgeons so an individual treatment plan can be made for your pet. This ensures that your pet is admitted for the most appropriate procedure to treat their condition and prevents any unnecessary investigations.
What Surgeries do we offer with a package price?
Orthopaedic surgeries we offer with a package price
- Tibial Plateau Levelling Osteotomy (TPLO) – Prices for this surgery are based on your pet’s weight
- Below 10kg – £2500
- Between 10-20kg – £2800
- Between 20-40kg – £3000
- Medial Luxating Patella (G2-3) – £2000
- Simple Fracture Repairs – £2000
- Complex Fracture Repairs – Prices are dependent on each case and the severity of the fracture. A price will be decided once radiographs have been submitted.
- Humeral Unicondylar Fractures – £2850
- Humeral Bicondylar (Y) Fractures with CT planning – £5000
- Humeral Intercondylar Fissure (HIF), with CT and surgical guides – £3800 (single limb) £6000 (bilateral)
- Angular Limb Deformities, with CT and surgical guides – From £5500 depending upon complexity.
- Arthrodesis (E.g. PTA / PCA): With CT and surgical guides – £5000.
Without CT and surgical guides – £3800.
- Femoral Head and Neck Excision – £1800 (Feline) £2000 (Canine)
- Arthroscopy: Single joint – £1800, Additional joint – £500.
- Arthroscopy and BODPUO (elbow dysplasia) – £2500 (Single limb)
Some procedures explained:
Tibial Plateau Levelling Osteotomy (TPLO)
This surgery is performed to stabilise the stifle (knee) joint in dogs who have ruptured their cranial cruciate ligament. The surgery involves repositioning the tibia by making a cut into the end of the bone, which is then secured with plates and screws to stabilise the knee joint. Following surgery, most dogs will return to an active lifestyle.
Medial Luxating Patella surgery
A medial luxating patella occurs when a pet’s kneecap moves out of its groove, preventing the knee from extending normally. The kneecap can occasionally move to the outside of the knee, but most commonly, it moves medially towards the inside of the knee, which is known as a medial luxating patella. While some pets can be managed medically, others will require surgery, especially severe cases, larger dogs, and any pets showing lameness issues. There are several different surgical techniques for repairing a luxating patella, so our orthopaedic surgeons will assess your pet before deciding on the best treatment plan.
Fracture Repairs
Fractures vary in severity, so for some fractures surgery may be required to enable bones to heal and to give your pet the best chance of returning to full fitness. When fractures need a surgical repair, this may involve either internal fixation or external fixation, but both methods aim to stabilise the fracture site by realigning the bones so the fracture can heal.
Internal fixation requires plates and screws to be fixed to the bone to stabilise the fracture site. This implant does not usually need to be removed. Alternatively, external fixation uses pins around the fracture site, which exit your pet’s skin and are attached to an external scaffold.
Humeral Condylar Fracture Repair
The humeral condyle is found at the end of the humerus (long bone in the front leg) and makes up part of the elbow joint. Fractures in this area can be common in dogs, particularly young dogs that have jumped down from a height. However, some dogs can develop a Humeral Intracondylar Fissure, an inherited condition that causes a weakening of the humeral condyle making it more likely to fracture.
Two types of humeral condylar fracture occur
- Humeral condylar fracture – This is where only one side of the humeral condylar fractures
- Humeral bicondylar (Y) fracture – This is where both sides of the humeral condylar fracture.
All humeral condylar fractures require surgery, and due to the close proximity of the humeral condyle to the elbow joint, surgery can be challenging, especially where a bicondylar fracture has occurred. For this reason, CT planning is included with our package priced humeral Y fracture repair as this provides our surgeons with valuable information about your pet’s fracture and gives your pet the best chance of recovery.
By introducing package priced procedures at Eden Veterinary Referrals, we hope we can make specialist orthopaedic treatment more accessible for more clients. Our aim is for orthopaedic surgery to be affordable, so pets have the best chance of making a full recovery. For more information or to book your pet in to see our orthopaedic team, contact our reception team at Eden Veterinary Referrals, who are always happy to help.